Telling Your Story

Your story may be used for many different purposes. Perhaps as presented in a resume to procure a career or used as an entrepreneur to present your unique talents and or products.
Regardless of how you story will be used, My approach to building the skills necessary to compete locally, nationally and globally is this:
Communication is the no 1 skill you will need.
Define an interest and immediately establish YOURSELF,
       (While you may not be zeroed in on a long term career or business, that's ok, but select something to do even as a model and get going on it ASAP)
 While a lucky few have ideas that go as we say “viral” mostly success is dependent on hard work and time spent on publicizing a   project and or product and oneself.

Build your social network relating to your business or career interest. Establishing yourself as a qualified and as close as possible as an expert in your field. Write and publish honest quality content. Make videos and post photos where applicable.
 You will never be your own best salesman, If used to the full extent social media will do it for you. You will present your story through honest quality content presented on multiple web venues.

Give back and pay it forward, share your skills and knowledge with others. Doing so will be an inspiration to others and will also build your own credibility.


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